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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Clean | Your | Insides

Your body is a vehicle and need Tune-Up

Think about what would happen if you run the car 30 + years without an oil change, filters, vacuum, wash the windows ... It would not be very comfortable in, and does not work very well. Your body is a vehicle. We all learned to take meticulous care of the body, wash your hair, brush your teeth and nails cut. But how many of us have been taught to clean our insides?

Most foods readily available to us today is simply not good for us. We are animals and our food comes from nature, infused with energy from the sun, and nutrients from soil and water. Potato chips, ice cream, hot dogs, candy and pizza do not appear in nature! As the distance your food is to its natural state of life, the less energy life force in it. It can be labeled as containing vitamins and minerals, but if it was sitting on a shelf or in a freezer for a year, it is dead food!

Nature has already given us our perfect food. At one point, all the earth a garden powered by the sun and watered by the rain. Our modern habit of growing grain, fruit and vegetables, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that are not natural. Our method of raising cattle, pigs and chickens in confined spaces, the injection of steroids and antibiotics and chemical feed corn is not natural. Somewhere along the line we were convinced that artificial methods of food production is better. But are they?

Without food Unnatural

The rising rates of cancer and much of the western world is grappling with problems of obesity, depression, asthma, diabetes, and heart, we look at and see other animals who do not have these problems. We have created an artificial system depends on, and much of our soil and water are now polluted. We create our laboratories, chemicals sprayed in March, to put in our food and ourselves, and then it takes more chemicals to suppress the symptoms of our disease. In all this we need the body of an animal is suffering a lot.

A life of highly processed, low energy food takes a toll on the body and weakens its systems of digestion, circulation and detoxification. Take time to cleanse your inner body will reduce the toxic load on the internal organs and helps your body to regenerate.

The first phase of an internal cleansing is to start cleaning the debris from the colon. Several factors contribute to the accumulation of dirt in the digestive tract. A healthy digestive have enough intestinal flora, the free passage through the system and direct contact between the food ingested and intestinal mucosa to extract nutrients. Understand that if you killed your plant useful with the use of antibiotics, and they feed on the yeast colonies by eating bread and drinking, you will develop a slow digestion and constipation.

Similarly, if you eat large amounts of cooked meat and / or do not chew your food before swallowing, you put strain on your digestive system by filling it with material that is very difficult to break. As a result of these two common conditions of yeast growth and under-digested food, colon accumulate waste and find it difficult to separate toxic materials from the body.

Dairy products causes the body to produce mucus. It also produces digestive mucosa when food fed to protect themselves against nature (see Arnold Ehret, Mucusless Diet Healing System). Continuous production of mucus due to the consumption of dairy products, fried foods and lines discussed in the colon and hardens into what is known as mucoid plaque. This rubbery coats build inside the intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients. Not treated in time, fills the pockets of mucoid plaque and undigested food in the soft folds of the colon. These toxic accumulations become breeding grounds for parasites such as Ascaris (roundworm) and Enterobius (pinworm), and if left long enough accumulation areas may bomber parts of the colon resulting in severe conditions that require surgery .

What can be done

There are five key elements, both toxic to transform your colon in a healthy environment, the disposal system operation, as it is supposed to be.
Empty the trash;
Kills parasitic infections;
Band of the digestive system of the plate of mucus;
Establish a healthy colony of probiotics
You eat well chewed food to live.

To clean the debris, you build a simple herbal, to find in your local health food store. In general, these products combine a variety of herbs that have laxative properties, such as senna, cascara sagrada or triphala along a fiber to sweep the colon as psyillium or flaxseed. Many of these preparations also include anti-parasitic herbs with features such as black walnut, wormwood, or pau d'arco, however, it is advisable to do a complete clean and distinct from the parasite, colon cleansing also the basis for maximum results . Separate parasite cleanse can be found in your local health food store or buy from the online health resources. The internal protocol is most effective cleaning to clean the colon of waste in the first place, followed by cleaning parasites, and when you're ready for some cleaning in practice, making cleaning more difficult to strip the digestive tract of mucoid plaque.

A clean house is a challenge with great rewards.

Cleanses the digestive tract mucoid plaque, must have been at least a few colon cleansing, so that treatment is effective. Mucoid plaque to clean requires more will power when you need time to clean faster and avoid problem foods such as coffee, foods containing yeast, sugar, food, undigested food (meat), and treated. Realizing that the mucoid plaque is a barrier to providing a sensitive digestive system and unnatural foods are irritating, requires the individual to engage in serious changes in your diet in order to be successful.

Removing the mucoid plaque and then continue to eat a diet high in sugar, bread and alcohol, for example, is counterproductive and will only trigger new Candida infections. If you are serious about the health of their bodies and their longevity, they will have to make sacrifices to get used to eating disorder that damages potentially sensitive systems of the body. Mucoid plaque cleansing restores vitality to the body, cleanses the skin, and reduces the toxic load on the body. It is a challenge with great rewards. An Internet search will find a multitude of viable products to help you do the cleaning at home, and cleaning of pensions available for those who prefer to undergo a thorough cleaning in a mentoring and support.

It is important to follow up on any colon cleaning parasites or mucoid plaque with long-term grants of probiotics to establish a healthy colony of living organisms that fights yeast and parasitic infections, while supporting your optimal health and digestion. For starters, try organic capsules yogurt, kefir and probiotics in the refrigerated section of your local health food store. For the more adventurous, try adding Kombucha, raw goat cheese, micro-organisms and living, organic fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut to your diet to increase your level of micro-organisms healthy.

It may seem too obvious to mention, but it is very important to chew your food! These days, we are all so busy, we often find something so amazing, to run to the door, or eating when our mind is focused on another task. Your digestive system has no teeth, and has molars for one reason: if you do not overwrite your food, digestion will not be able to extract optimal nutrition foods and are more difficult to urinate waste. So please do not forget to chew your food until it is completely decomposed before swallowing.

As you get closer and closer to your optimal health, you must remember to increase the amount of living, organic foods you introduce into your body, constantly working to remove the chemically treated, sources of processed foods and the dead .

If you put these cleaning practices in your life, you will pay less sick, to avoid serious diseases caused by toxic overload eliminatory systems of the body, and enjoy a healthier, longer life.


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